Saturday, August 23, 2008
Got faith?

A tight-rope walker strung a wire across the Niagara Falls as a crowd gathered on both sides of the falls. First, he walked across using a balancing pole. Next, he walked back across with the pole. Then he wheeled a wheel-barrow across. On the other side, he shoveled 150 pounds of dirt and rock into the wheel-barrow and wheeled it back across the falls. The crowd's applause was louder than the roar of the falls! The man asked the crowd, "Who believes that I can wheel a man across the falls?" Everyone shouted their affirmation. Then he asked, "Who's going to get in the wheel-barrow?" The crowd dispersed immediately.
We may think that we have faith God, but what we really have is just belief. It’s one thing to believe in God, but it’s quite another to have faith in him. Just like it’s one thing to believe that a master tightrope artist can carry you over Niagara Falls in a wheelbarrow, and it’s quite another to have enough faith in him to get in the wheelbarrow and let him push you across.
What about you? If God asks you to get into the wheelbarrow, will you get in? Let us pray for the gift of faith.